Monday, September 19, 2011


"S'ils trichent, ne serait-il pas mieux qu'ils trichent en travaillant, en nous ayant dans leurs pattes, en devant décompter nos 09 millions de voix, au lieu de 02 millions de voix qu'ils auront facilement dépouillées et trafiqueés?" Kah Walla
"If they cheat, wouldn't it be better that they cheat by working with us in their way, while having to count our 09 million votes instead of 02 million votes that they would easily count and tamper with?"
Kah Walla Campaign Yaounde
Kah Walla, Cameroon People Party (CPP) Presidential Candidate
Kah Walla Campaign Yaounde
I think therefore I vote
Kah Walla Campaign Yaounde
"Voter's Registration Card. Stand up and Vote! Liberty, Equality: Let's go and Vote!"
Kah Walla Campaign Yaounde
SDF (Social Democratic Front) members are saying to vote for Edith Kah Walla. Wise decision. Everyone behind our champion!
Kah Walla Campaign Yaounde
Kah Walla Campaign Yaounde
Cameroon People Party - Parti du Peuple Camerounais
Contact the Kah Walla Campaign: Cameroon Country code 237 Center - 96 76 11 84, Littoral - 74 85 83 41, North West - 96 21 52 00, South West - 77 05 00 54, West - 77 51 94 81, North - 96 73 24 21 Volunteer today. The Time Is Now!
Kah Walla Campaign Yaounde
Cameroonian People, don't let anyone decide for you
Kah Walla Campaign Yaounde
Don't mess with my vote!
Kah Walla Campaign Yaounde
Kah Walla for President!
"Et ces plaintes, ce refus d'aller voter, ils vont résoudre quel problème? Connaissez-vous quelqu'1 dans ce Gouvernement qui refusera de gouverner et de piller le pays parce que nous ne serons pas aller le voter? Depuis 20 ans que nous nous abstenons, ont-ils démissionné? Avez-vous vu la honte sur leurs visages? Y a-t-il un dirigeant de ce Monde qui a refusé de traiter avec eux parce qu'il seraient illégitimes?
And all these complaints, this refusal to go and vote, what problem will they solve? Do you know anyone in this Government who will refuse to govern and to loot the country because we will not have gone to vote? For the last 20 years that we have been abstaining, have they resigned? Have you seen shame on their faces? Is there a leader in this World who has refused to deal with them because they might be illegitimate?
Quand la Communauté Internationale aura vu notre abstention, que fera-t-elle? Au lendemain de la prestation de serment de leur candidat, après notre abstention, quand il prendra 1 décret quelconque, vous croyez qu'on n'aura pas l'obligation de le respecter? Lorsque des camerounais mourront de Choléra dans le nord, n'en souffrirons-ns pas parce qu'on se sera abstenus? Lorsque nous ne retrouverons pas la croissance économique, n'en souffrirons-ns pas parce qu'on se sera abstenus?
When the International Community will see our abstention, what will they do? The day after the oath-taking of their candidate, after our abstention, when he issues any decree, do you think we will not have the obligation to respect it? When Cameroonians will die from Cholera in the North, won't we suffer because we would have abstained? When we will not gain economic growth, won't we suffer because we would have abstained?
Pensez-vous que votre refus d'aller voter les perturbe? S'ils ont déjà triché et qu'ils vont gagner, ne serait-il pas mieux que ns leurs compliquions la tâche en y allant massivmn? S'ils trichent, ne serait-il pas mieux qu'ils trichent en travaillant, en ns ayant dans leurs pattes, en devant décompter nos 09 millions de voix, au lieu de 02 millions de voix qu'ils auront facilement dépouillées et trafiqueés?
Do you think that our refusal to go and vote bothers them? If they have already cheated and that they will win, wouldn't it be better that we complicate their task by voting in large numbers? If they cheat, wouldn't it be better that they cheat by working with us in their way, by having to count our 9 million votes, instead of the 2 million votes that they would easily count and tamper with?"
Cameroon People Party (CPP) Presidential Candidate Kah Walla
Kah Walla Campaign Yaounde
"Quand on voit les couleurs du défilé à Buéa, on comprend pourquoi on a interdit illégalement le défilé du CPP à Yaoundé. The Time is Now !!!" Kah Walla
When one sees the colors of the parade in Buea, one understands why they illegally forbade the CPP (Cameroon People Party) parade in Yaounde. The Time is Now!!!
Kah Walla Campaign Yaounde
Cameroon's People Party Presidential Candidate, Kah Walla
After official registration of Presidential Candidacy, Douala, Littoral
Kah Walla with her Campaign Director, Douala, Littoral
CPP, Registering Cameroonians to vote, Bonassama Market, Douala, Littoral
CPP, Registering Cameroonians to vote in Bonassama Market, Douala, Littoral
CPP, Rain or shine, Registering to vote, Douala, Littoral
CPP, Listening to constituents, Marche Rail of Bonaberi, Douala, Littoral
CPP, Market Businesswomen, Bonaberi, Douala, Littoral
CPP, Bensikineurs/Moto-taximen, Douala, Littoral
CPP, Bensikineurs/Moto-taximen, Douala, Littoral
CPP, PK8, Douala, Littoral
"What is important is to go and vote" say the braised corn sellers
CPP, Bomaka, South West
CPP, Bomaka, South West
CPP, Bomaka, South West
CPP, Bomaka, South West
CPP, Mutengene, South West
CPP, Mutengene, South West
CPP, Likumba, South West
CPP, Ndah Bitchang, Bali, North West
CPP, Extreme North
CPP, Extreme North
CPP, North
CPP, North
CPP North Cameroon, Extreme North, Adamawa
CPP South
CPP, South
CPP, South and Centre
CPP, South
CPP, Dschang, West
CPP, Bahouang, Hauts Plateaux, West
CPP, Bahouang, West
CPP, Bangou, West
CPP, Koung Khi, West
CPP, Bandjoun, West
CPP, Bafoussam, West
CPP, Mvog-Ada Market, Yaounde, Centre
CPP, Mvog-Ada Market, Yaounde, Centre
CPP, Tsinga Ilobi, Yaounde, Centre
CPP, Tsinga Ilobi, with young girls, the future of Cameroon, Yaounde, Centre
Kah Walla Kah Walla Campaign Yaounde
Hello Dear Friends,
There are 25 days to go to the presidential election and we need your help.
The CPP is going aound the country to prepare its militants for the campaign and election day. We are focused on 3 key elements right now.
1) Securing the Vote
Training trainers who will impart essential information to polling agents.
2) Campaign materials
We are getting campaign materials ready, notably flyers and t-shirts. To have campaign materials ready in time we need funds by September 20th!
3) Grassroots deployment
Getting our over party members out on the field everyday to talk about their candidate.
This is the phase where the campaign becomes extremely expensive. We need you to make a contribution.
Your donation can be made at any time, but it would be most helpful before September 20th. You can donate online on through PayPal.

You can also make a direct bank transfer to The Time Is Now Campaign in Douala.

We need to come together as Cameroonians and make this change happen. The Time Is Now!

Below is an article and some pictures of our meeting with party militants in Ebolowa, Garoua and Tiko. There is a real grassroots dynamic building in Cameroon, but we need more work to convert it into political action that will bring about change for Cameroon.
Your donation will help us do this. The Time for you to contribute to to making change happen in Cameroon on October 9th is Now!
Below are the different mechanisms to make a contribution.
1) Go to and click on the donate button. Make your donation through Paypal
2) Send telephone credit to (237) 96 76 11 84
In the U.S.
Bank: Bank of America - Silver Spring, Maryland
Name: Edith Kahbang Walla
Account #: 446021944796
ABA #: 026009593
In Cameroon
Union Bank of Cameroon
Account Name: Edith Kahbang Walla,
Account Number: 00210001812.
Corresponding banks are:
Citibank New York, 1 Court Square, 45th Floor Zone 9, Long Island City, NY 11120Swift Code: CITIUS33 Account N°: USD 361 542 39 Currency: USD
Citibank London, Citibank House, 336 Strand, London, WC2R 1HBSwift Code: CITIGB2LCurrency: EUR IBAN: GB16 CITI 1850081 0037389 GBP IBAN: GB44 CITI 1850081 0037370
BHF-Bank Aktiengesellschaft, Frankfurt AM Main DE (Germany) Swift Code: BHFBDEFF Account N°: 728741, Currency: EUR or USD
Rabobank Nederlands, P.O. Box 17100, 3500 HG Utrecht, The Netherlands, Swift Code: RABONL2U Account N°: 390 878 537 Currency: EUR IBAN: NL05 RABO 0390878537 or USD, GBP, JPY
For Western Union money transfers: Send to: Mbongeh Edna Njilin, Bali or Akwa neighborhoods, Douala, Cameroon. And immediately e-mail the Western Union transaction number to
"You cannot plow a field by turning it over in your mind" Unknown
See full size imagePaule-Sylvie Yonke
Balafon Communications
Re-branding the image of Africa

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