Wednesday, January 4, 2012



We, the undersigned collective leadership, commit ourselves to the items of agreement below. We ask you to join us if you and your organization are (a) committed to building the African Union and to contributing to the unification and development of Africa, (b) committed to assist and participate with the African Diaspora in joining the AU as voting members, and (c) committed to recognize Africa as your motherland and to use your networks to spread the word of the AU-Diaspora process and implementation. In order to accept the AU’s invitation to join it as voting members, we must present a united voice. Our acceptance is already late and does not need to be delayed any longer. Please join us in this effort.

We agree to:

I. Currently go on record in accepting the operational

definition by the African Union of the African

Diaspora, to wit: “ The African Diaspora consists of all

peoples of African origin living outside the continent,

irrespective of their citizenship and nationality, and

who are willing to contribute to the development of

the Continent and the building of the African Union.”

Secondly, for purposes of recruitment, clarification

and education in North America, and other regions,

we agree to recognize Africa as the motherland, and

we understand the current AU operational definition

to include both the historical Diaspora and the

modern Diaspora. At some point in the near future

inside the AU we will move to have these two

additional components annexed to the official AU

definition of the African Diaspora.

II. Abide by these Common Denominator Principles/Practices for Pan African collective work:

1. Principle of Mutual Respect: That mutual respect for

colleagues and fellow warriors and reverence and respect

for African traditions and heritage will guide our

deliberations and work;

2. Principle of Inclusiveness: That the talent, skills,

intelligence and creativity needed to increase African

capacity and achieve Pan African unification is not and

will not be determined by one’s political

affiliation/ideology, gender, religion, language or class;

3. Principle of Unity Without Uniformity: That African

descendants can be unified without uniformity and that

forming Pan African partnerships for economic and

political networking is necessary for moving forward ;

4. Principle of Consistency: That Diasporans should work

consistently and relentlessly to join and fully participate

in the African Union as voting members, bringing all

available resources, experience, diplomacy and skills to

that effort;

5. Principle of African Democracy: That as members of

the African Diaspora, we must work to develop inclusive

democratic institutions for implementing the principles

and goals of achieving the United States of Africa/Union

of African States.

6. Principle of Equivalent Capacity Building: That the

African Diaspora Sixth Region must be developed to a

level equivalent to a viable African Regional Economic


IIIGain approval for and to implementin

compliance with the Statues of ECOSOCC’s mandate

that representatives should be elected, the Town

Hall/Community Council of Elders model that has

been developed and utilized in North America and

elsewhere within the last five years to elect African

Diaspora delegates/representatives for the African

Union. This method advocates the election of 4

members for ECOSOCC from the USA and 1 member

from Canada. This body also recommends, using the

same or a very similar democratic method, that 3

representatives are elected from Central America, 3

from the Caribbean, 4 from South America/Brazil, 4

from Europe and 1 from the Middle East/Asia,

totaling 20 in all. That total of 20 is currently

designated by the AU and can only be changed once

we are inside the AU as voting members.

IV. To immediately form and establish the North

American African Diaspora Unity Council (NAADUC),

whose membership will be based on organizations

agreeing with the three stipulations noted above in

the Introduction. Each member organization will have

one vote on all issues, there will be a rotating

chairperson for one year elected by the body, with

the chair for each succeeding year being the Vice

Chair-designate elected at the annual meeting, which

will be held in Washington, D.C., unless changed by

majority vote. There will also be at least bi-monthly

digital meetings, and the Secretariat members for

coordination and record keeping will be the AU

Ambassador’s designated staff working with the staff

of the current year’s chair. Other operational items

will be voted upon as needed.

*** All Pan African organizations which attended the AU

Ambassador’s Unity Summit on December 16, 2011, are

automatically included in NAADUC membership, upon

written and oral agreement with this letter. All others

who choose to join us, based on agreeing with all of the

above, please contact There

will be a NAADUC meeting the last Saturday of January,

2012 in Washington, D.C. to formalize all of the above

and move forward in engaging the African Union and the

rest of the African Diaspora. NAADUC will be the

reference model for others in the African Diaspora.


Dr. Ruth B. Love Dr. David L. Horne PG Senghor Baye
___________________ ___________________ 

Ruth B. Love David L. Horne Senghor Baye President, RBLEnterp. International Facilitator, SRDC President-General, UNIA-ACL Co-Chair, W. Afr. Ener. Proj. International Facilitator, PADU Member, PADU Berkeley, CA Los Angeles, CA Washington, D.C
Oscar Brathwaite Dr. Chenzira Kahina Opal Young
_____________________ __________________________ 

Oscar Brathwaite, CABE Dr. Chenzira Kahina, Per Ankh CCOE of RUF/Harvest Institute Founding President, Can Chair and Co-Founder, V.I President/Exec. Secr. Toronto, Canada Virgin Islands Los Angeles, CA
Reginia Rogers Ras Marvin Sidney Francis Martin
______________________ _________________________ 

Reginia Rogers ,UNIA-LDF Ras Marvin, CBPO Sidney Francis Martin, CABO Lead Counselor People’s Chair President Washington, D.C. Atlanta, GA New York & Bluefields, Nicaragua
Geuka Amefika Rev. Al Washington Nana N. Sankofara
___________________________ ____________________________ __________________________

Geuka Amefika, NBLC Rev. Al Washington, Africa-USA President Nehanda Sankofara, President, Florida Chamber of Commerce Mothers for Africa, the Los Angeles, CA Sekyiaabea Foundation
Anthony Akili Nkrumah

Anthony Akili Nkrumah, Chair The Nkrumah Brotherhood Philadelphia, Penn.

Forward Ever, Backward Never,

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